Half Marathon Training Plan, week one, complete. A year and a half ago, if I knew it was okay to walk run walk run, I would have stuck with it, well, I would like to think I would have stuck with it. I figured I was too old, too out of shape, too busy. If I had continued to run, I would already be doing a half marathon! But, destiny, fate, whatever, things happen for a reason and maybe I just wasn't ready to take on the challenge. Regardless, I am so pumped up, getting fitter everyday. Psyched that Jeff Galloway actually encourages me to walk and run, and today, my first "long run" in the training plan, actually cut 2 minutes off of my 5K time! WTH! And it felt good.
I'm a gadget girl and usually if I like a gadget, I will eventually buy my oldest daughter one. Tabetha likes gadgets as much as I do. I love my Garmin Forerunner 10 watch, use it to see my pace. But with the training plan I'm using, I love an interval timer! I bought the Gymboss and set it for my run and walk time. I set it to vibrate and beep and I can actually hear it over my music plus I had it clipped to my tank so the vibration was nice too!. I found myself counting steps, or counting every other step to see if I could predict when the buzzer would go off. Might be my ADD but I can't just clear my mind and run. My shadow didn't run today, so I had to come up with other games to amuse myself and I'm thinking this will actually be a benefit during my half! Hope so anyway.
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