So we're finally moved and settled into our new home, a 2000+ mile trip in two cars along with two dogs, a cat and two ferrets. Long and tiring days of driving, sometimes hundreds of miles with nothing to look at. Mark and I communicated by radio and it made me grateful my husband is a techno geek and a gadget nerd, otherwise I'd have the cat alone to keep me company. Anyway, running or working out during the move was next to impossible and while I could have done it, I just didn't. Making the new place a home, exploring the area was a must, and quite frankly, I enjoyed having my honey home and with me during the settling process! We do have two stories in this house and the stairs provided a smidgen of exercise to us. But, today, Mark went to work and I tried to create some kind of routine. I surfed the web, I made my menu plans, made my shopping list, got my hair cut, went grocery shopping, AND I did 40 minutes on the treadmill. AND it felt friggin' great.

Our New Home
I was worried about my pulmonary function (breathing to the lay person) because it seemed I should breathe easier; it's been 4+ months since I quit smoking. Okay, okay, I smoked for 100 years and 4 months isn't a very long recuperation period but still... My treadmill time today was awesome, my respirations were more even, less labored, and I felt, to be honest, GREAT! I taped up a Run Disney picture above my treadmill but I'm hoping to get more outside time.

Run Disney Half Marathon
Mark bought a new road bike, well, new to him. We actually bought it from my son in law so we know it's a good one. It should be arriving Wednesday and he's incredibly excited. I'm hoping his interest continues and someday we do a century ride! Right now, I like to ride as cross training, and of course, riding with my love really rocks.
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