I never, not once in my life, would have imagined that I could or would run five miles. I know I registered for a half marathon but planning to run one and actually running one are two very different things. I'm training hard and yesterday was my weekly long run, a whopping five miles. I'm hesitant to run the highways in our new town so I stuck to the treadmill, appropriately inclined. I told myself that if Forrest Gump could run for 3 years, I could run for an hour and a half! And then I ran, and I ran, and then I ran some more. Seventy seven minutes. The sweat dripped off my elbows, ran down my face, I sucked down two bottles of Gatorade, and ran from the Zombies (see yesterdays post!). I have to admit, I talk to myself when I run, sometimes out loud, but always in my head and yesterday I was counting steps, counting pace, counting down mileage. Today is a recovery day, my loving husband made me promise that I would not run today so I will do some cross training and wait for tomorrow to arrive before I lace up and get my run on.
WOOOOOT!! You are awesome. :)