Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time Management failure but I did get two miles in!

Just a little motivation to those who think they aren't runners because they don't run a 4 (or 7 or 10 or 12) minute mile.
While I was in Denver, my daughter and I sat down and mapped out the goals we've had and "never found the time" to complete. For instance, I have a half finished novel sitting in my filing cabinet and she has umm, the same (we are two peas in a pod sometimes). We decided to hold each other accountable. We both have, ugh, terrible time management skills. So to compensate and help correct those lacking skills, we spent a considerable amount of time mapping a detailed schedule for each of us with "working on our novel" always in the same time period. If I'm writing, she's writing, that kind of thing. Then we could instantly share out work. So on my schedule, I of course have training time penciled in. Running, cross training, and gym time. My goal was to get up at 8 (or Lord have mercy, before 8), have my coffee, check email, and then get my run in or whatever the schedule called for each day. Mark and I have discussed my riding early enough to run before it got too hot or in the evening after the sun does down, er, it hasn't happened yet. So last night, with the best of intentions, I set my alarm clock for 8AM. Then I read for an hour before going to sleep (my body insists its still a night shifter, what can I do). The alarm went off this morning and I didn't hit snooze because it would have screwed my schedule up so I turned it off completely. Bye bye Tuesday schedule. I slept til 9, piddled around and drank my coffee, answered some emails, made my to do list for the day, ate a bowl of cereal (a rare treat of junky Capt Crunch since I got it on sale and had a coupon so it only cost $.75 for the box), I admit, Facebook time and of course 5 lives of candy crush. Look at the schedule only to realize I had changed my weekly long run to Tuesdays because it fit into our schedule! Lord Have Mercy! No way was I ready to do a 6 miler today, I'm so ashamed of myself. Well, not really, I know I will just flip some time blocks and get it done later in the week so I say I'm bad and move on. I will keep trying though. I miss running outside, I'm anxious to learn the area in terms of running, and I want to umm, finish my novel!
On a side note, I ordered a new fuel belt today. I'm so an Amazon shopper. I checked the local sporting good stores around here (and online) and Amazon still beat them especially with my prime no shipping costs! 

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